2 Ways To Speed Your Facelift Recovery
According to research, you have about seven seconds to make a good first impression. Unfortunately, if you are in business, sagging necklines and loads of wrinkles might not help you to score that new account. If you want to make those first few seconds count, a facelift can dramatically improve your appearance. Here are two ways to speed your facelift recovery, so that you can get back to the boardroom as soon as possible.
1: Plan For Downtime
When you are a busy professional, the last thing you probably want to do is spend weeks away from your clients, business partners, and potential sales leads. Unfortunately, failure to rest can mean bad news for your recent facelift.
When you rest, your body heals itself. New skin cells form, your immune system deals with small infections, and incisions fuse together. Although you might be tempted to jump back into your work a few days after your procedure, getting back into the normal swing of things before you are ready can actually make your recovery take longer. Here is what you should expect the first few weeks of recovery.
- First Week: The days immediately following your procedure can be rough. You might be nauseous from being subjected to general anesthesia, and your bruising will the worst three or four days after your operation.
- Second Week: By the time you start your second week of recovery, you might be feeling a little better. Because doctors generally remove most stitches between 5-14 days after your procedure, you might be able to get a clearer picture of your results. You might have the energy to get up and move around, although you will probably notice some significant swelling.
- Third Week: After three weeks have passed, your incisions will be starting to heal. Although you might have small areas of swelling or tightness, these symptoms generally improve over time.
- After One Month: When you hit the one-month mark, you might be the only person who can tell that you had an operation.
To get the most out of your facelift, plan for downtime. Consider taking a vacation for a few weeks while you get through the toughest part of your recovery, and then think about working from home a few weeks after that. Making a slow transition back to your normal schedule will give you and your face time to heal.
2: Eat Right
To help you to heal from an operation, your body will rush blood and antibodies to the wound site. This process is called the inflammatory response, and it is actually essential to your healing process. Unfortunately, excessive swelling can cause problems. In addition to altering your appearance, swelling can cause incisions to heal improperly, or surrounding tissues to become rigid.
The great news is that you might be able to keep swelling at bay by eating certain foods. Because studies have shown that the unhealthy fats present in certain foods can aggravate inflammation, some doctors recommend sticking to an anti-inflammatory diet to prepare for and recover from your cosmetic surgery.
These diets focus on avoiding unhealthy trans fats, eating foods that are high in fiber, and consuming enough fruits and vegetables. The Mediterranean diet, which is high in Omega-3 fatty acids from fish and olive oil, might be especially helpful for people who need to keep swelling at bay. In addition to helping you to recover from your facelift, eating right might even help you to lose a few pounds while you are away from work.
Understanding the ways to improve your recovery can help you to get the results that you want, without making your healing process take longer than it needs to. Click here for more information.