Take Steps to Improve Your HealthTake Steps to Improve Your Health

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Take Steps to Improve Your Health

Do you desperately desire to improve your health? Perhaps, you suffer from a chronic condition such as diabetes, osteoarthritis, or hypothyroidism. Or, you might simply wish to lose weight in order to gain some much needed energy. Regardless of your particular situation, make visiting your primary care physician at least once each year a priority. During a physical exam, your doctor will check important, vital signs such as your pulse, temperature, and blood pressure levels. This medical professional might also conduct blood tests at this time. On this blog, I hope you will discover easy, effective ways to improve your health. Enjoy!

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3 Ways A Midwife Can Help You Avoid Birth Disappointment

Pregnancy and childbirth can be sensitive subjects for any woman. Whether this is your first baby or whether you're an experienced mother, chances are that you have an idea in your head about how you would like your pregnancy and childbirth experience to go. In fact, women who have childbirth experiences that deviate greatly from their ideal, planned birth sometimes experience birth disappointment, which can trigger postpartum depression and lead to problems breastfeeding or bonding with the baby. Take a look at a few ways that using a midwife can help you avoid the experience of birth disappointment.

Holistic Care

Before you get to childbirth, you have to get through months of prenatal care. Assuming that you're generally healthy, the chances are good that you'll see your prenatal care provider far more often than you would normally see any other medical provider in the same timeframe. Wouldn't it be nice if your medical care during that time focused on your whole self, and not just on the baby?

One of the biggest benefits of using a midwife is that they are more likely to provide holistic care than an obstetrician is. That means that they focus on your whole self, not just the parts of you involved in birthing a baby. Because most midwives promote a natural approach to childbirth, they'll use the prenatal period to encourage your overall health and well-being, which will help you in your ability to give birth in a healthy, natural way. Your appointments with a midwife shouldn't feel rushed or perfunctory. A midwife will take the time to answer your questions and address concerns about all aspects of your life and health. If you want to discuss your diet, any fears you have about childbirth and motherhood, or even the impact that your pregnancy has on your relationship, you should be able to do that. Midwives also tend to be well-informed about breastfeeding and infant care and can continue to provide assistance after the birth as well.


Are you dreaming of a water birth? Would you like to give birth at home, in surroundings that are comfortable and familiar to you? Would you prefer a hospital-like setting, but want to be able to walk around until the last minute, eat during labor, or give birth in a more natural squatting position, rather than on your back?

Most obstetricians offer only one choice when it comes to childbirth – the hospital. When you choose to deliver with a midwife, you'll have the option to choose the setting that appeals most to you, whether that's a homebirth in your own bed, giving birth in a pool of water, or giving birth in a birthing center with fewer restrictions than the average hospital maternity ward. And if a hospital setting is your preference, that's OK too – many Certified Nurse Midwives offer that option as well.

Fewer Interventions

The most important thing when it comes to reducing the risk of birth disappointment is to reduce your chances of medical interventions. Medical interventions can include anything from electronic fetal monitoring to induction of labor to a Caesarean section. Very often, one medical intervention leads to another, resulting in a birth that looks very different from the natural childbirth you envisioned. Studies show that women who received their care from midwives were less likely to receive many types of medical interventions, including anesthesia, episiotomies, and C-sections.

However, just because midwife care tends to lead to fewer interventions doesn't mean that a medical intervention won't be available to you if you need it. Midwives are trained to know when to call in emergency services or send a patient to the hospital when it becomes necessary, and many midwives maintain a relationship with an obstetrician who can be called upon to take over prenatal care if the pregnancy becomes high-risk.

Ultimately, you should always choose the medical provider that makes you the most comfortable, whether that's a midwife or an obstetrician. Consider meeting with one or more of each type of prenatal care provider before choosing which way you plan to go. That will help you make the right decision for your pregnancy. If you are interested in midwife services, check out a site like http://www.whallc.com for more information.