Take Steps to Improve Your HealthTake Steps to Improve Your Health

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Take Steps to Improve Your Health

Do you desperately desire to improve your health? Perhaps, you suffer from a chronic condition such as diabetes, osteoarthritis, or hypothyroidism. Or, you might simply wish to lose weight in order to gain some much needed energy. Regardless of your particular situation, make visiting your primary care physician at least once each year a priority. During a physical exam, your doctor will check important, vital signs such as your pulse, temperature, and blood pressure levels. This medical professional might also conduct blood tests at this time. On this blog, I hope you will discover easy, effective ways to improve your health. Enjoy!

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All You Need To Know About Knee Pain Stem Cell Treatment

Osteoarthritis (OA) is a severe medical condition affecting many people globally. The disease affects the knees, causing pain, stiffness, and swelling, leading to loss of mobility. Traditionally, people with the illness undergo knee replacement surgery. Fortunately, stem cell therapy is now a promising alternative treatment approach. This post provides vital insights into knee pain stem cell treatment

What Is Stem Cell Treatment? 

A stem cell is primarily a cell that has yet to develop or mature. The human body manufactures stem cells in the bone marrow. Then, the body uses a signaling process to direct the manufactured stems cells to the point of need. Such stem cells then become specific cells like muscle, nerve, or skin cells with specific functions. 

It is possible to trigger damaged tissue to repair itself in the body. This process is called regenerative therapy and explains how stem cells treatment works. However, stem cell treatment is an ongoing investigational approach. There is a need for more research to provide evidence that the treatment works safely and to standardize the injection procedures. 

How Knee Pain Stem Cell Treatment Works

Knee pain is often a symptom of osteoarthritis of the knee. Typically, OA causes the cartilage covering ends of the bone to deteriorate and wear off. The role of the cartilage is to enable bones to glide together smoothly with minimal friction. Thus, when the bones lose the protective cartilage covering, they rub against each other, causing more friction. Therefore, individuals experience knee pain and swelling, ultimately affecting body function. 

Knee pain stem cell treatment uses the body's healing process to repair knee cartilage and slow down the deterioration. The therapy also reduces inflammation and pain. Also, regenerative therapy hopes to prevent or delay the need for replacement surgery. 

The stem cell treatment involves the following procedure:

  1. The doctor takes some amount of blood
  2. The physician then concentrates the stem cells together  
  3. The doctor finally injects the stem cells back into the knee 

Notably, the success rate depends on the various ways of harvesting and processing stem cells. 

Side Effects of the Treatment 

Knee pain stem cell treatment has minimal risks since it is a noninvasive procedure. Besides, the process uses stem cells originating from your body. However, some people can experience bacterial infection, pain, and swelling after the procedure. 

Knee pain stem cell treatment can improve OA symptoms through regenerative therapy. Nevertheless, stem cell therapy is still an ongoing research discipline. Thus, learn more about the procedure, and consult your physician before receiving the treatment.